“Where Every Student Matters”
Cougar News!
Find out what's happening in February!
The Archery team will compete in their first tournament this year at the McCurtain county sports complex on February the 10th, Saturday at 2:00pm
Good luck Archers!
Here are a few highlights from Glover vs. Stidham at Monday nights game!
Jansen Jones 8th grader playing hard at Frink Chambers O.R.E.S playoff game on Monday Night!
Coach Cochran and the team at O.R.E.S playoff game 2024
More Cougar News!
The Glover Archery class has been training hard. We are so excited to see our kids find success on and off the range through this program!
Here is a sneak peak at what our 4th and 5th graders have been training hard at in class.
Axal, Emma and Brayden practicing their 11 steps of archery with
Coach Jordan!
This years Fall Festival was a great success! A special thanks to all our local businesses that donated or sponsored our event. We appreciate your support it will go along way in seeing our kids have a memorable and fun filled 2023-2024 school year!
Here are this years Fall Festival Royalty!
Congratulations to all our Royalty at this years Fall Festival!
Here are a few more pictures of our big night.
COUGAR BASKETBALL! Here is the 2023-2024 schedule for this season.
Other Exciting News!
Check out our Archery Page in extra curricular activities!
We are very excited to bring this program to our
students and we think you will too!
8th Grade Trip to Magic Springs!
Donuts & Grown-ups Dance!
Our students spent some time learning about Choctaw culture and heritage!
They enjoyed an interactive stickball presentation!
We learned that the game was used as a method of mediating social relations, village conflicts and tensions between tribal members as well as other towns and districts.
Our 5th -8th grade Cougars enjoyed a special night at our school dance!
Congratulations to our "Cougars of the Month!"
Character Counts Award:
Gearing up for our PK3 -4th track meet!
The first day of school for the 2022-2023 year got off to an amazing start! We met new teachers and students, received new supplies and we're introduced to exciting new programs.
We continue to honor coach Johnny Cochran and his years of service and dedication to the Glover students & community by our newly updated Glover school athletic facility as ....
Johnny Cochran
Congratulations Coach Cochran! You are truly an inspiration to educators everywhere. Thank you for all your hard work Coach and good luck on the upcoming season! Go Cougars!